I was asked to come up with some concepts for MLB on FOX. The brief stated that they wanted something baseball related but not your typical baseball package. My concepts leaned more into the abstract visual representation of baseball: The physics, energy and action.
The best players make it look easy. But swinging and hitting a baseball is one of the hardest feats in modern sports.
This direction is inspired by the physics behind hitting a fastball. It analyzes the rotational axis, curves and arm direction of a player when they swing a bat. This is being visualized by a series of lines and patterns that follow different curving motion.
This direction is inspired by the physics behind hitting a fastball. It analyzes the rotational axis, curves and arm direction of a player when they swing a bat. This is being visualized by a series of lines and patterns that follow different curving motion.

This direction is inspired by the defining moments in baseball: the pitch, the slide, the swing - all the moments that could determine a win or lose of a team. In this direction we explore the frozen poses of players make while playing in a game.
We take these poses and express the intensity of the motion by turning the frozen poses into some sort of abstract sculpture. The surface of the scupltures could be agressive or it could be smooth. It could break apart or it could show the flow of motion.
We take these poses and express the intensity of the motion by turning the frozen poses into some sort of abstract sculpture. The surface of the scupltures could be agressive or it could be smooth. It could break apart or it could show the flow of motion.

It’s all in the Spin. a baseball pitch is influenced by three forces: gravity, drag, and the Magnus force. Gravity pulls the ball downwards, drag slows the ball down, and the Magnus force… Well, that depends on the pitch. As the ball spins in its flight path, pressure variations form on it and the Magnus effect generates a force perpendicular to the motion of the ball in the direction of the spin.
When a ball spins what happens to the air pressure around it? What about when a ball hits a bat? This direction explores the idea of visualizing the physics of a baseball pitch.
When a ball spins what happens to the air pressure around it? What about when a ball hits a bat? This direction explores the idea of visualizing the physics of a baseball pitch.